OD Minister

Ordained Minister

The Ordained Minister

After evaluation, approval and divine decision, every minister who joins Mission For Jesus International, will be licensed for a 24 month period (minimum of 12 month in special cases). During this period of time the minister is enabled through given credentials to labor the full counsel of God as long he/she keeps a holy conduct of life and is in good standing with Mission For Jesus International.

During the prior 24 month period, the licensed minister should have stayed in active contact with Mission For Jesus International partners and the headquarters as well. The minister should have brought forth good fruits, that will testify to his/her calling. Then the minister is able to apply with the support of his local church or ministry for ordination.

The ordained minister is eligible under submission to the local laws and statutes of the particularly government to minister as follows:

Preach, teach and minister the full counsel of God on the Missions field, as to perform all the duties of a clergy in a local church.

The ordained minister will receive a certificate and a clergy-badge with photo for his/her credentials with Mission For Jesus International.

Mission For Jesus International does not hold the ordination as a denomination, but as a testimony, that the minister has a divine call on his/her life and that the implanted divine gifts from God are operating through him/her to support and equip the body of Christ.


is not responsible for any financial OR legal matters that are brought by the Covenant Partner, Churches, ministries, Licensed and Ordained minister with Mission For Jesus International.

Every Covenant Partner and minister should keep his/her own ministry responsible, under the guidelines of the Word of God and the legal statutes of law in regard of keeping bank accounts, paying taxes, leases, payments of bills and so on.

MFJI-Covenant Partner / Licensed Minister / Ordained Minister
What are my responsibilities as a Covenant Partner of MISSION FOR JESUS INTERNATIONAL?
- I should keep a holy conduct of life and ministry.
- I should hold up the Holy Scriptures as God"s sovereign and unmistakable word.
- Every first Friday of the month we unite at the COVENANT-DAY through a prayer night with all MFJI partners around the globe.
- I will stay in active contact and fellowship with the Headquarters and MFJ partners around me and the globe as possible.
- I agree and submit to the theological doctrines, faith, believes and the Decleration called: "Coveneant" of April13.2003 A.D. of MFJI.
- I pray and interceed for the Leaders and Ministers and Ministries and Projects of MFJI.
- I share and carry the Vision of Mission For Jesus International and their Partners.
- I try to support MFJI in any form as it is possible for me.
- I try to join in any local, national or international event of MFJI or MFJ-national.


Since July 2004 we have to ask for an obligatory application fee of 75,- US$, which must be submitted with the application. The fee covers the office-, material- and mailing- costs for each application. A reduction of the application fee is designated after individual evaluation through the MFJI board.

We appreciate any financial commitment towards Mission For Jesus International. Such support will enable us to labor for Christ and support special projects and partners in need. Please pray for this commitment. But most of all do we expect your spiritual and physical support through prayers and intercession for us and all the partners of this covenant on a weekly basis.

Ordenation Ceremony

The ordenation ceremony should be conducted by the National Office, Headquarters or an representative of Mission For Jesus International, after approval of the MFJI-Board.

Application Form

MFJI logo

MFJI logo

Please Download here :
- Word Document 97 mfjipersaplic212009.doc
- Word Document 07 mfjipersaplic22009.docx
- PDF mfjipersaplic22009.pdf