City Prayer Meetings
The Heart for Hartford - Prayer Meeting that meets on every 1.Friday of the month at 7:00 pm.
The Outreach has already started as we come together in unity and harmony seeking God's blessings for His people in Hartford. We will not hesitate if there is any need for prayer and for a personal touch by God that will meet the need of each individual, if it is mental, spiritual or physical. Since we started in April 2009, many peoples life have been touched and testimonies of praise reports have been forwarded to us.
We invite every Christian believer (your denominational back ground does not matter) to join hands with us. But this is also an opportunity for people that are interrested in Jesus Christ and His actions, to come to witness the power of the Holy Spirit, manifested through the hands of His believers.
As we prayed one of those Friday nights, there are always people from the Street that need prayer.
Faith in Action
This precious Soul receives Jesus Christ
as personal Saviour and Deliverer from Drug Addiction
Photo Gallery
Here some pictures from the Hartford area that is already reached on every Friday night and many other occaasions. See also the Bushnell park where we will put up our Tent that will seat about 800 people. The sorounding area would even seat some thousand people as well.
MFJI-HFH Tent Revivaal at Bushnell Park Hartford
Picture Gallery
Downtown of Hartford CT
Many Business and offices need to be reached as well
Downtown Hartford CT
City Hall of Hartford & Meeting Point
for our Friday Night Prayer Meetings on 550 Main St.
Bushnell Park is the Heart of Hartford
Here we meet at the end of our Friday Night Prayer in preparation of our Tent Revival
Bushnell Park
On this field at Bushnell we have put up our Tent
in the back you see the Capitol Building of Connecticut
Bushnell Park in front of Capitol
Across the Street from Bushnell Park Hotel & Train
Hartford Central Station and one of three major Hotels close by