Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith


BIBLE: We believe, that the Bible is fully inspired by God and the infallible Word of God

GOD: We believe in the existence of one God, which was, is, and always will be eternal in three Persons - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

JESUS: We believe in the virgin birth, the representative death of reconciliation, the physical resurrection, the triumphal heavenly ascension and the everlasting intercession of the Lord Jesus Christ. Finally his second coming to rapture his bride - the Church - to the fulfillment of all things.

SALVATION: We believe in the fall of man and in the salvation through the blood of Christ as being the only way to receive the personal redemption. This transformation of men as conversion and born again experience, is manifested through the work of the Holy Ghost, and is the result of repentance and faith on Jesus Christ. By Grace through Faith.

BAPTISM: We believe in the baptism, as being fully submerged under water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, of all believers that have truly repented and believe with all their heart in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. (Mark 16:16)

COMMUNION: We believe, that all believing Christians are part of the world wide Church of Christ Jesus. We believe that every born again and baptized Christian should be an active and faithful member, in every form of a local and biblical church.

BAPTISM IN THE SPIRIT: We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4

FRUITS: We believe, that a true Christian endeavors, through the power of the redemption, to live a sanctified and holy life and that he\she is able to be recognized by the fruit of the spirit according to Galatians 5:22.

GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT: We believe that God works through His grace by spiritual gifts, spiritual manifestations, offices and ministries (1. Corinthians 12:4-6, Eph.4:11-16) in the church, to equip the believer, for the ministry in the church and for the impact in the community.

HEALING: We believe that the salvation includes, through divine intervention, the healing of sickness and disease.

RESSURECTION: We believe in the resurrection: on an everlasting glory for all that have accepted and received the divine salvation of Jesus Christ through faith. We also believe in everlasting condemnation of all mankind, that walked and lived ignorant to the love of Jesus Christ and did not care.