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MFJI 1998 - 2023

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25th Anniversary

Welcome, Bienvenidos, Bienvenue, Willkommen

to our Web-Portal of MISSION FOR JESUS INTERNATIONAL INC. (MFJI), a world wide ministry that is growing rapidly and most of all: Uniting the Entire Body of Christ. We are quite excited to share with you some of the breath taking facts about our ministry and their COVENANT-PARTNERS.

Now more than 25 Years have gone by and we are so blessed to see the seeds that have been planted, to have grown up and are bringing forth fruits of a plentiful Harvest. But the time is to sever to lean back and to relax! We need to look for the present and the very future. The Gospel isn't shared with all people around the globe, yet. But don't think this is just the case in some third world countries. This situation is right close to you; in your community, your neighbour hood, your work and your family. Mission begins at our door, when we are leaving home and church!!!

You will find some information about our history, vision and office, but much more about our MFJI-Covenant Partners, affiliated Churches and Ministries, about our programs of support to the needy like MFJI-Orphanages and MFJI-Missionaries, our MFJI-Bible & Believers Training Centers (in affiliation with Global University) and much more.

Now, I hope you will enjoy a little overview of MISSION FOR JESUS INTERNATIONAL, that will bless you.
If you have any questions or suggestions, my Team and I would be glad to assist you.

Sincerely Yours,
All for Christ - All for Souls - All for His Church

Bishop Siegfried Preusser
President & Founder

We Pray For ISRAEL

We pray for Peace in Israel

We pray for Peace and Protection for Israel and it's people.

Christliches Gemeinde Zentrum - Jahwe Shamah

Here you will find all information in regard to our Church Ministry in Berlin Germany in german language.
Just link to MFJ-D

Unter dem Link finden Sie alle Informationen zu unser Deutschen MISSION FOR JESUS EV und unser Gemeindearbeit in Berlin

Christliches Gemeinde Zentrum - Jahwe Shamah (Der Herr ist Hier)

Seid herzlichst zu unseren Gottesdiensten an jeden Sonntag um 10:00 eingeladen!

Some Pictures


Tent at Bushnell Park Hartford CT

Tent at Bushnell Park Hartford CT


"THE HEART FOR HARTFORD" ! What is behind this name?? It is a TENT REVIVAL in the Heart of Hartford Connecticut.

Read Reports and see the Galery of Pictures from The HEART For Hartford

Download the Salvation Card Side 1 Salvationcard1
Download the Salvation Card Side 2 Salvationcard2


If you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, please open this link Salvation

A Word from the MFJI-President

Bishop S. Preusser

Bishop S. Preusser

A Personal Word from the President of MFJI
click here to watch a brief Video Message by Bishop Preusser Word from the MFJI President


Channel @ 1MFJI

Bishop Preusser