National Office
in the City of Melbourne/Victoria has been closed by 12. February2009
If you need further information or assitstance, please contact our HQ
MFJ-Papua New Guinea
National Office
is located in the City of Popondetta
National Director is Rev.Silas Eriba
If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact our Headquarters Office.
We are unable to provide fully information about our Covenant-Partners in this region, because of security and protectional matters.
Please pray for those faithfull people in their country. Thank you.
If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact our Headquarters Office.
We are unable to provide fully information about our Covenant-Partners in this region, because of security and protectional matters.
Please pray for those faithfull people in their country. Thank you.
If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact our Headquarters Office.
We are unable to provide fully information about our Covenant-Partners in this region, because of security and protectional matters.
Please pray for those faithfull people in their country. Thank you.
Rev.T.E. Pau
translations & Chrstian Media Ministry
for contact, please contact our HQ-Office