
Become a Supporter

Rev. Siegfried and Marikka Preusser

Rev. Siegfried and Marikka Preusser

General Overseer & Founder

We would like to encourage you to become a spiritual and financial supporter.

If any department of our ministry has touched your heart and enlightend your vision for ministry, we like to ask you to contribute to such. Don't believe the idea, that 10.00 $ per month will not make a difference!? Absolutly, it will and you and your loved ones will add to your treasure in heaven.

So if our children's ministry, the youth, the women, BBTC has touched you , or you like to finance Christian radio (100.00 $ per month) for example, you can do something great. Reaching the Lost with the Gospel!!

MFJI Inc. has recieved full recognition by the Internal Revenue Service of the Unted States of America by the 18.January 2009 as a non-profit religious organization under IRS 501c3. Any Donation will be recoginzed with a tax deductable receipt by the end of each calender year.

Your Contribution

Donate Now.
Your precious gift will help to get the Gospel to all the ends of this world, not only by faith and words, but much more by deeds.

Please send your gift as Money Order or Check to:

419 Bonnieview Lane
San Antonio, TX. 78223


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